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Shijie Town Public Security Bureau Comes to Lingxun Micro to Promote Anti Electricity Fraud Knowledge

来源:凌讯电子 时间:2024/5/13 9:23:50

        On April 12, 2024, in order to enhance the public's anti fraud awareness and anti fraud ability, effectively prevent and reduce the occurrence of telecommunications network fraud and other cases, the Public Security Bureau of Sijia Village, Shijie Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, came to our company to promote anti fraud and anti fraud related knowledge.

        In the lecture, the police officers provided employees with a detailed introduction to various fraudulent methods and their characteristics in simple and understandable language, combined with real cases. From phone fraud, online fraud to street fraud, every case is shocking. The police also conducted in-depth analysis of the psychological tactics and modus operandi of fraudsters, allowing employees to have a deeper understanding of fraudulent behavior.

           We also immediately arranged training for the company's employees to promote to everyone and beware of being deceived!
1. Scam traps need to be guarded against, and scammers are refurbishing their methods; Once it is difficult to distinguish between true and false, 110 consultation is the most reassuring.
2. Unclear phone calls should be hung up in a timely manner, and suspicious messages should not be replied to; There is no secure account available, so think twice about making large remittances.
3. Be careful when withdrawing funds on the plane and do not trust small advertisements; Don't answer unfamiliar numbers lightly, set traps for virtual phones.
4. Don't believe in the sky falling pie, be careful to scan the QR code and transfer the money; Online fraud day renovation, be careful when talking about money.
5. The most effective way is to ignore the message saying that you are spending money with a card; Telecom arrears need to be verified, and large remittances are absolutely not allowed.
6. Don't be surprised by the flying big prize, it will make your money hole bottomless.
7. Greedy thoughts lead to the loss of ten thousand pieces of literature, and a hundred years of peace with one mind.
8. Being careless and prone to fraud, being greedy and losing money at all costs.
9. Qin and Jin have a long friendship, and borrowing money requires careful consideration. Not to mention never knowing each other, rushing to make money is sure to fall for it. Ask your neighbors and friends, the police will be even more helpful.
10. A mother worries when her child travels thousands of miles, while an empty nest old man misses his son. Being hospitalized due to illness leads to a car accident, and telecommunications scams take advantage of the situation. Regularly go home and take a look, make more phone calls and chat about daily life. Your situation is well-known to the elderly, but it is difficult for scammers to use tricks.

         This anti fraud lecture not only benefited the employees greatly, but also laid a solid foundation for personal safety and stability. The Community New Era Civilization Practice Station will continue to play the role of a bridge and link, working together with various forces to create a safe, harmonious, and civilized working environment. Finally, I also hope everyone can raise their vigilance!