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The safety alarm bell rings long! Ensuring safety in production, Lingxun conducts fire drills

来源:凌讯电子 时间:2024/5/13 8:30:59

The fire alarm sounded, and Lingxun employees quickly ran out of the floor and walked to the open area downstairs.

             Today is the fire drill day conducted by Lingxun to ensure safety production. After hearing the fire alarm, the entire staff responded quickly.

             After the entire team was lined up, the deputy manager of the production department gave a speech on carrying out this safety and fire drill. List several recent production fire accidents that occurred in Dongguan, and the painful lessons have forced us to be vigilant. Manager Fu pointed out that this exercise is aimed at strengthening the safety and fire prevention awareness of all staff, allowing them to further understand and master the handling process of fire emergencies, and improving their coordination and cooperation abilities in handling emergencies.

             After Manager Fu's speech, Mr. Zhang from the production department demonstrated and taught how to use fire extinguishers correctly. Tell everyone how to use fire extinguishers correctly. When using, stand at the upper air vent and avoid being too close to the fire source to avoid burning oneself due to excessive flames.

             Subsequently, representatives from various departments and workshops conducted practical exercises.

             This exercise achieved the expected results, improving the safety and fire prevention awareness and emergency response ability of all staff, laying the foundation for efficient and safe production work in the future.