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power supply


Synchronous rectification is a new technology that uses special power MOSFETs with very low on-state resistance to replace rectifier diodes to reduce rectifier losses. It can greatly improve the efficiency of DC/DC converters and there is no dead voltage caused by Schottky barrier voltage.

The basic circuit structure of synchronous rectification

Power MOSFET is a voltage controlled device, and its volt-ampere characteristics are linear when it is switched on. When the power MOSFET is used as a rectifier, the grid voltage must be synchronized with the phase of the rectified voltage to complete the rectification function, so it is called synchronous rectification.

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Recommend part No.

LT30N03 LT40N03 LT60N03 LT70N03 LT80N03 LT100N03 LT100N03 LT120N03 LT150N03 LT180N03 LT190N03 LT200N03 LG220N03 LT60N04 LT80N04 LT100N04 LT120N04 LT130N04 LT140N04 LT160N04 LG195N04 LG200N04 LT40N06 LT50N06 LT60N06  LT80N06 LT120N06 LG140N06 LG160N06 LG180N06 LT80N07 LG120N07 LG120N085 LG150N085 LG160N08 LG180N08 LG200N08 LG220N08 LG250N08 LG330N08 LT30N10 LT40N10 LG50N10 LG60N10 LG80N10 LG100N10 LG120N10 LG80N12 LG90N15